GD-77 CODEPLUG MAP, VALID FOR FIRMWARE V2.6.3 (but should be fairly accurate for older/newer versions too) Address in HEX and DECIMAL with first byte of codeplug and/or default.dat being addr 0: Address Hex Decimal Use 00-07 00-07 8 bytes to identify file as a GD-77 compatible configuration. Must be set to "MD-760" followed by two hex FF bytes. 08-7F Spare? Filled with FF (120 bytes) 80,81 128,129 Lower UHF freq. Change to hex bytes 94 & 01 to set lowest freq as 194 MHz 82,83 130,131 Upper UHF freq. Change to hex bytes 20 & 05 to set upper freq as 520 MHz 84,85 132,133 Lower VHF freq. Change to hex bytes 30 & 01 to set lowest freq as 130 MHz 86,87 134,135 Upper VHF freq. Change to hex bytes 01 & 78 to set upper freq as 178 MHz 88-8D 136-141 Last programmed time encoded as hex bytes eg: 20 17 09 09 08 15 is 9th Sept 2017 8:15am 8E Spare? Filled with $FF 8F Spare? Filled with $FF 90-97 144-151 Radio type displayed under Dev Info, encoded as ASCII. Default reads "GD-77" 98-A7 152-167 Radio serial number displayed under Dev Info, encoded as ASCII (last digit scrolls off screen) 16 digits available, but GD-77 serials are only 10 digits. Unused bytes = FF. Default is empty. A8-AF 168-175 Radio CPS version displayed under Dev Info, encoded as ASCII. Default is empty B0-B7 176-183 Radio H (hardware) version displayed under Dev Info, encoded as ASCII. Default is empty. (I changed mine to read HWver3.1, which is what is printed on the PCBs of my GD-77) B8-BF 184-191 Radio soft version (firmware) displayed under Dev Info, encoded as ASCII. C0-D1 192-209 DMR DSP version displayed under Dev Info, encoded as ASCII. Default is "HRC6000 V1.2.6" D2-D7 Spare? Filled with $FF (6 bytes) - can't be changed by hexedit, radio or CPS re-writes back to $FF D8-DF Spare? Filled with $00 (8 bytes) E0-E7 224-231 Radio name in ASCII E8-EB 232-235 DMR radio ID EC-F0 Spare? Filled with $00 (5 bytes) F1 241 General settings: TX preamble in steps F2 242 General settings: Monitor type, 00=open, 01=silent. F3 243 General settings: VOX sensitivity as hex F4 244 General settings: RX low battery interval in steps F5 245 General settings: Call alert tone duration in steps F6 246 General settings: Lone worker resonse timer in steps F7 247 General settings: Lone worker reminder timer in steps F8 248 General settings: Talkaround private call hang time in steps F9 249 General settings: Talkaround group call hang time in steps FA 250 General settings: bit 8 set = ARTS always bit 7 set = ARTS once bit 6 set = Unused? bit 5 set = Unused? bit 4 set = Unfamiliar number tone bit 3 set = Reset tone bit 2 set = Unused? bit 1 set = Unused? FB 251 General settings: bit 8 (MSB) = Battery saver preamble bit 7 set = Battery saver receive bit 6 set = Disable all tone bit 5 set = Unknown function??? bit 4 set = Channel free indication tone bit 3 set = Self test pass tone bit 2 set = Analog talk permit tone bit 1 set = Digital talk permit tone FC 252 General settings: bit 8 (MSB) set = private call bit 7 set = TX inhibit quick key override bit 6 set = disable all LED bit 5 set = Unused? bit 4 set = Unused? bit 3 set = Unknown use, can be set =1 and sent to GD-77 as such, but is read back as =0** bit 2 set = Unknown use, can be set =1 and sent to GD-77 as such, but is read back as =0 bit 1 set = Unused? NB: the CPS protects bit 3 from being set multiple ways; if this is bypassed, the firmware in the radio will force it back to being unset FD 253 General settings: bit 8 (MSB) = Unused? bit 7 set = Unused? bit 6 set = Unused? bit 5 set = Unused? bit 4 set = TX exit tone bit 3 set = Unused? bit 2 set = Unused? bit 1 set = Unused? FE Spare? filled with $00 FF Spare? filled with $00 100-107 256-263 Programming password text. WARNING: do not edit to contain non-standard characters! You will need to factory default the radio by holding side button 1 + number 1 key while switching on. 108 Spare? filled with $01 Can't change? 109 265 Buttons: Long press duration in steps 10A 266 Buttons: SK1 short press assignment 10B 267 Buttons: SK1 long press assignment 10C 268 Buttons: SK2 short press assignment 10D 269 Buttons: SK2 long press assignment 10E 270 Buttons: TK short press assignment 10F 271 Buttons: TK long press assignment 110- 272- Buttons: quick key assignments 1-6 127 295 128 Unknown, $01 / $20 129- Spare? Filled with $00 (7 bytes) can't be changed? 12F 130 Unknown, filled with $07 131- Spare? Filled with $00 (31 bytes) 14F 150- Spare? Filled with $00 (32 bytes) 16F 170- 368- Pre-defined text messages, 32 messages x 144 characters each 136F 4976 1370 Unknown, $01 1371 Unknown, $00 1372 Unknown, $07 1373 Unknown, $00 1374 Unknown, $00 1375 Unknown, $00 1376 Unknown, $00 1377 Unknown, $00 1378- 4984- 16 x 32 or 64 bit encryption key field 13F7 5111 13F8 Unknown, $01 13F9 Unknown, $0A 13FA Unknown, $00 13FB Unknown, $0A 13FC Unknown, $00 13FD Unknown, $00 13FE Unknown, $00 13FF Unknown, $00 1400- DTMF general data settings 1476 1477- Unknown, active data, largely 00 or FF 1587 1588- Emergency system data 1787 1788- Digital contact data (24 bytes per contact) 2F87 2F88- DTMF contact data 3387 3388- Unknown, filled with $FF (160 bytes) 3427 3428- Unknown, active data to do with RX Group list? 3437 3438- RX Group list data (48 bytes per RX Group list) 3737 3738- Unknown, active data? (8 bytes) 373F 3740- General Zone data? 378F 3790- Channel data, channels 1-128 only 538F 5390- Unknown, active data? (24 bytes) 53A7 53A8- Scan list data 5627 5628- Spare data? Filled with $FF (7920 bytes) 7517 7518 29976 Boot: Bit 8 (MSB) = Unused? bit 7 set = Unused? bit 6 set = Unused? bit 5 set = Unused? bit 4 set = Unused? bit 3 set = Unused? bit 2 set = Unused? bit 1 set = 1=Intro screen picture, 0=Char string 7519 29977 Boot: Bit 8 (MSB) = Unused? bit 7 set = Unused? bit 6 set = Unused? bit 5 set = Unused? bit 4 set = Unused? bit 3 set = Unused? bit 2 set = Unused? bit 1 set = Power on password enable 751A Unknown: $00 751B Unknown: $00 751C- Power on password 751E 751F Unknown: $00 7520- 29984- Data relating to Number key quick contact access 7536 30006 7537 Unknown: $00 7538 30008 Menu: Menu hang time in steps 7539 30009 Menu: Bit 8 (MSB) = Contact - Remote monitor bit 7 set = Contact - Radio check bit 6 set = Contact - Manual dial bit 5 set = Contact - Edit bit 4 set = Contact - call alert bit 3 set = Scan - edit list bit 2 set = Scan - scan bit 1 set = Basic - information 753A 30010 Menu: Bit 8 (MSB) = Utilities - Intro screen bit 7 set = Utilities - Backlight bit 6 set = Utilities - Power bit 5 set = Utilities - Tones/alerts bit 4 set = Utilities - talkaround bit 3 set = Contact - One key dial bit 2 set = Contact - Radio disable bit 1 set = Contact - Radio enable 753B 30011 Menu: Bit 8 (MSB) = Call Log - Answered bit 7 set = Call Log - Missed bit 6 set = Utilities - Password & lock bit 5 set = Utilities - VOX bit 4 set = Utilities - Privacy bit 3 set = Utilities - Squelch bit 2 set = Utilities - LED indicator bit 1 set = Utilities - keypad lock 753C 30012 Menu: Bit 8 (MSB) = Unused? bit 7 set = Unused? bit 6 set = Unused? bit 5 set = Unused? bit 4 set = Unused? bit 3 set = Utilities - Double standby bit 2 set = Utilities - Channel display bit 1 set = Call Log - Outgoing radio 753D 30013 Menu: Bit 8 (MSB) = Unused? bit 7 set = Unused? bit 6 set = Unused? bit 5 set = Unused? bit 4 set = Unused? bit 3 set = Unused? bit 2 set = Unused? bit 1 set = Unused? 753E 30014 Menu: Bit 8 (MSB) = Utilities - Channel display mode Frequency bit 7 set = Utilities - Channel display mode Name (bit 7 & 8 not set = channel number mode) bit 6 set = Unused? bit 5 set = Unused? bit 4 set = Utilities - Backlight 0=always, 1=timed bit 3 set = Utilities - Backlight: if always, 0=on, 1=off. If timed, 0=5sec, 1=10sec bit 2 set = Utilities - Keypad lock time bit 1 set = Utilities - Keypad lock time 753F 30015 Menu: Bit 8 (MSB) = Utilities - Double standby - double single bit 7 set = Utilities - Double standby - double double (bit 7 & 8 not set = off) bit 6 set = Utilities - Key tone bit 5 set = Utilities - 1=Chinese menu, 0=English bit 4 set = Unused? bit 3 set = Unused? bit 2 set = Unused? bit 1 set = Unused? 7540- Boot: Line 1 text 754E 754F Unknown: $FF 7550- Boot: Line 2 text 755E 755F- Spare? Filled with $FF (2721 bytes) 7FFF 8000- Unknown, mostly $FF or $00, one $01 802F 8030- Zone data AF0F AF10- Spare? Filled with $00 (65 bytes) AF50 AF51- Unknown, filled with alternating $00, $01 (32 bytes) AF70 AF71- Unknown, some active data B1BF B1C0- Channel data, channels 129-1024 1761F 17620- Spare, filled with $FF (35296 bytes) 1FFFF